Quran Memorization
Quran Memorization Quran is the best book of guidance for all of us, for reading every single letter of the Quran there are ten rewards
In our online Quran system we make sure that everything is organized and made simple for our customers to understand easily. Our system is transparent so that our customers know all that is under our terms and conditions.
Our Refund Policy is also quite simple and easy. We think we are responsible to let our customers know about our refund policy. There are some important key factors which must be noted by our customers. This will keep them updated in this regard and will help them understand our policy better.
Our Refund Policy holds the following key points. They are as mentioned below
- If the classes are yet to be started and the student withdraws before that, then full refund is given to the student without any deductions or charges added
- No refund of fee will take place if the student has attended even one of the classes
- The refund fee is deducted if the student has taken some classes or whatsoever
- The additional amount will be returned to the student as per our refund policy if some classes are missed from our side
- If there is any issue with our tutors being unable to hold the classes, then additional charges will be returned
- The classes can be held by student in case of emergency or any other reason. In these cases, the credit is transferred to the next month for the classes
- Our tutors take leave during the Eid holidays, this is twice a year and is paid
- If the refund cost is more than the fee, no refund will be given
- Our refund policy is as per our terms and conditions
- The public holidays stand as paid leaves for our tutors
We urge all our students and candidates to take a look at our terms and conditions before signing up for classes. We ensure a very safe and satisfied journey for you. All you need to do is take a couple of steps and you are good to go.
Online Quran class help all the people, regardless of their age. The young and the adults both can take part in our classes and can learn much about Islam and its teachings.
Stay with us for more updates concerning our Online Quran Classes. You can even contact us, our contact details our mentioned on our page. Feel free to give us any positive feedback that you like.
Online Quran Classes:
Learning the Holy Quran is the significant task that most of the Muslims actually want to do but they do not find such fruitful ways to learn it rapidly and efficiently. To learn the Quran, you must adopt the accurate way to minimalize the time and exploit the time of learning. If you will not be going to select the accurate way, you might not be much successful. Following are the some of the important tips which would definitely benefit you to learn the Holy Quran online quickly.
i) Finding a tutor:
Online Quran Classes If you are an uneducated then you must be finding the tutor for yourself it is truly essential because you need a complete guidance to start with when you will find the tutor, the entire problem will be solved. But you must try your best to search the most appropriate and good instructor for yourself. When you will be happy and comfortable with the teacher, you would confidently learn the Quran efficiently and easily. In this manner, there are so many online tutors are available to help you in learning the Quran online.
ii) Learn the Basic rules, Tajweed:
Let say if you do not want to avail the facilities of the Quran teacher then you must start learning the primary rules of Tajweed. You must learn how to utter the Arabic alphabets properly, and keep it remember that if you will not work hard in learning those letters and won’t pronounce them correctly.Online Quran Classes I must assure you that the learning of Holy Quran later will be useless. Spend extra time to learning those letters and their proper pronunciation. It would barely take more than one week but trust me, once you will be able to utter the letters properly, you might be able to recite the Holy Quran easily and appropriately. You can take the help from the tutor of Quran. Also, there are a lot of academies who provide the guidance about to learn the Quran.
iii) Give Proper time:
Try to make the timetable and read the Holy Quran on your daily basis, the most suitable time is to read the Quran after the namaz e fajr. According to the methodical research, the most suitable time to learn everything is the time of early morning. Everything you read at the morning time is kept in the most influential memory area of your brain and it is hard to forget those things effortlessly.
iv) Consult a Quran Teacher
If you feel any kind of difficulty in learning the Holy Quran, you must consult with the Quran teacher for the appropriate guidance, you can find the teacher at your nearer mosque and nearly every teacher always volunteers to support you in such matters.
Online Quran Classes If you feel any difficulty to go out and consult, then you can search on the internet for the teacher who provides you complete guidance about the Quran. You can fix some suitable timings with him or her. All you just need to be available on that timings